Is it possible to hire more staff in just a week using these techniques?
Here's the thing, when it comes to hiring more of the *right* staff, there are several possible bottlenecks that can hold organizations back from attracting those potential applicants.
And every organization tends to have a primary recruitment bottleneck, which is the #1 thing holding them back.

The challenge is this:
You’re already spread way too thin. And with hundreds of competing priorities it's can be difficult to identify what that #1 recruitment bottleneck is and how to fix it.
Before you throw in the towel, hang on.
Solving this problem for healthcare and senior living organizations is what my team and I do all day, every day.
What I am saying to you is,
don’t get caught up in the enormity of your staffing issues; start chipping away at your ONE bottleneck with proven solutions that work.




The Recruitment Course
An on-demand, online course focused on getting you the very best staff quickly!
In just two hours you will identify your #1 barrier to recruitment and discover step-by-step, how to fix it.
✔ Where to find them.
✔ How to win them over.
Ready to finally break free from this staffing nightmare? Go ahead and do this now while you'e on this page and thinking about it.
Lower turnover: From 43 to 28%!
“When our turnover dropped from 43 to 28% we asked, what have we done differently? ...As a company-wide initiative, Drive’s webinars helped increase the energy around onboarding and orientation and allowed us to see some terrific movement in our retention. It has also invigorated our teams. I love hearing how our people are putting what they learned to use. It’s not often a program impacts data so substantially. I believe this course by Drive made this difference a reality for us.”
~ Camille Burke, formerly the COO of Christian Living Communities
Higher retention: From 49 to 76%!
“With the help of Denise and Drive, we changed. Our retention rate went from 49% to 76%. That means 60 fewer hires a year. 60 less separations. 60 less people to onboard, train, and get ‘up-to-speed.’ Regardless of how you calculate the cost of turnover, I guarantee that 60 is a game-changing number. My only regret is that I didn’t have the opportunity to experience Denise, her teaching methods, and her lessons years ago!”
~Brian Cook, Executive Director, Courtyard Healthcare Center
These leaders got results for one reason:
they took action.
As a former Administrator and Executive Director, I can't stand courses and presentations that waste your time.
The tips I share are practical and research-based because I know you don't have time to waste! You need your staffing issues solved yesterday.
My commitment to you is that when you implement the material in The Recruitment Course, you will get results. It's that simple.
With this course, I help you find great applicants. Period.
This course is how you solve your recruitment issues FOREVER! This is not a bandaid approach.
It’s how you become a talent magnet and an employee referral machine, for years to come! 🤩
The end result: loyal staff who naturally click with your culture and want their equally fantastic friends and family to work for you too!
The Recruitment Course has ...

2 hours of impactful content - yes, 2 hours of solutions for your steepest staffing issue!

2.25 NAB - approved credits for all that you’ll learn.
Hi! I'm Denise.
President of Drive, where we help leadership teams become employee magnets.
Drive has a unique approach. Because of our culture assessment work, we have actual data around the type of people who belong working in our field. We also have data around the types of organizations those very same people want to be working for. This data is hugely important in how we help our clients become the kind of organizations that attract the highest quality candidates AND succeed at keeping them, for the long term.
The Recruitment Course was created using this data at its center, building upon it with decades of research on leadership, culture, and staffing (and my own blunders and pitfalls as a leader mixed in—hey, I’m only human!).
I’ve got to remind you, I worked for years as a nursing home administrator. I too had the daunting task of filling a schedule that looked a lot like Swiss cheese. I‘ve got the bumps and bruises to prove I survived it. I learned what works and what doesn’t via ALLL the reading, listening, and experimenting possible. Now I'm an expert in the subject, and nothing thrills me more than to pass along what works to you.

The counterintuitive approach to
attract new people to your organization.
In this course you'll discover the pitfalls so many organizations fall into when it comes to recruitment. You'll uncover the unique benefits of working for your organization and how to leverage it so you stand out from all the competing employers. (These things are right under your nose, but guaranteed you are missing them!) You'll then have everything you need to attract and hire your dream team!

Stress less about open positions and actually focus on being the leader you want to be for your team.

Spend less time searching for applicants and do the work you are supposed to be doing as a leader.

Waste less money wooing new folks with bonuses and invest in tactics that make a real difference.

Feel proud of the dream team you have assembled and start working on a bigger and brighter future together.
Your organization name here
Realizing it's full potential with a dream team of staff.
You can. It’s possible.
Let’s do it together.
The Recruitment Course at a glance
SESSION 1: Culture-Driven Recruitment
SESSION 2: Building Your Employee Brand
You may be a bit shocked by the price.
Remember, two hours of content that will influence your organization’s recruitment, turnover, and even retention and engagement (because you’ve finally found the right people), plus 2.25 NAB and SHRM credits.
And I’m only charging $29 for it!
Why? It’s a staffing crisis. Not a slump. Or a dry spell. A full-blown CRISIS. So, we priced The Recruitment Course to help you make a decision that was a no-brainer. And I made sure the content was the kind you could put to use immediately to get results.
By the way, if you are a member of Drive's monthly membership program, Fully Staffed, then you already have access to this course. Lucky you!
Your name here